CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME and its top homeopathic remedies


The first time when one hears about CTS or Carpal tunnel syndrome, most of us wonder If they are the only ones having it? As most of us hear it for the first time and then when you read about it you get to know there are thousands of people dealing with it. Now then the most important question which pops in our mind is "are there any medications which can help?"

The answer is YES, Homeopathy can help in Carpal tunnel Syndrome. Specially, in mild to moderate cases of CTS homeopathy can help heal it.

While searching solutions about CTS the most common terms you read were Carpal tunnel and median nerve. It is the involvement of these two which play the major role. 

 CARPAL TUNNEL is a passage in our wrist. The wrist bones are under it and connective tissue above. Through this passage passes 9 flexor tendons and the Median Nerve. 

MEDIAN NERVE is the nerve which gives supply (motor and sensory) to the thumb and two and half fingers next to it. 


There is swelling in the connective tissue which narrows the passage or tunnel resulting in compression of the median nerve causing all the symptoms.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

1.PAIN : Initially one may feel a dull ache or discomfort. Then this usually develops into sharp needle-like pains which usually worsens after exertion. 



4.MUSCULAR WEAKNESS (Clumsiness and poor coordination)


6.WASTING OF MUSCLE (in severe cases)

Why does it happen?

So, now you wonder why you got it out of all people?

Now there are many risk factors which make you vulnerable to it. 

1.OVER USE: Most cases it is due to overuse of muscle, like if your profession demands a lot of usage of fine motors like typing, playing some instrument etc.

2.INJURY: Often wrist injury could trigger a swelling or collection of fluid in the carpal tunnel.

3.INFLAMMATION: There are certain conditions like Rheumatoid, diabetes and even injury which may trigger inflammation. 

4.GENETICS: Now it may not run in the families. But there are certain people who are born with smaller tunnels. In these cases slight swelling could give them intense symptoms.

Homeopathy has medications which can help reduce the swelling and Inflammation and thus reduce the nerve irritation. So, there is a probability you can  treat it without surgery, unless it is in very severe form. Many patients have been able to avoid surgery. Conservative treatment should always be the first approach.

Best Homeopathic medications for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

1.CAUSTICUM: For Numbness


3.GELSEMIUM: For weakness

4. ARNICA MONTANA: Post Injury

5.HYPERICUM: For Inflammation


Suffering from knee pain affecting your day to day activities? Here is how homeopathy can help you walk pain free again.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It commonly occurs in the synovial joints and the most common joint affected is THE KNEE JOINT.

The main pathophysiology involved in osteoarthritis is DEGENERATION and INFLAMMATION. In earlier days it was only believed to be age-related degenerative disorder and was usually referred to as "wear and tear" disease. But,  nowadays it is believed that both Inflammation and degeneration play an important role.

PRIMARY OSTEOARTHRITIS: Is idiopathic, means we do not exactly know why it started and it is mostly due to age-related degeneration.

SECONDARY OSTEOARTHRITIS: Usually due to some cause like trauma, arthropathies or some congenital abnormalities.


Before understanding OA we have to know about articular cartilage. The articular cartilage is the cartilage between two joints and helps in movement or gliding of the joint bones. In osteoarthritis there is degeneration of the articular cartilage of the joint which results in friction between the joint bones and thus causing inflammation. And due to inflammation there is pain, swelling, stiffness and heat sensation of the joint.


The main role of homeopathy in osteoarthritis is to slow down the degeneration and reduce the inflammation therefore it helps reduce the pain, swelling and aids better joint function. Degeneration once started could not be completely reversed but yes we can save the joint to a great extent and also get rid of the inflammation. The remedies will help the joint become healthier and give you pain free mobility.


1.AGE: It usually starts in the later phase of life, usually after 50 years. However it may start early as well, especially seen in cases of injury. Certain knee injuries like meniscal tears can make you more prone to development of Osteoarthritis or speed up the onset. However, not everyone with the injury would develop it.

2. OVERWEIGHT: Being overweight can increase the load on the joint and hence increases inflammation.

3.GENDER: Osteoarthritis is usually more common in females.

4.OVERUSE: Prolong over straining of the knee joint can also lead to OA that is why it was also referred to as wear and tear disease. People with certain occupations which require a lot of physical activity are more prone to osteoarthritis at later ages.


1.PAIN: Pain is the most common and the most troublesome symptom of knee arthritis. There is a lot of pain in the knee which is usually worse after exertion. Therefore, it is usually worse in the evening hours after the whole day of walking and movement. It commonly comes as sharp tearing pain or pulsating pain in the knee.

2.TENDERNESS OF KNEE JOINT: Most people have increased sensitivity to touch in their knee joint. It becomes tender and painful to touch.

3.STIFFNESS OF JOINT: Stiffness is usually worse after resting, like waking up in the morning. One feels difficulty in taking the first steps in the morning.

4.REDUCED JOINT FUNCTION: There is great difficulty to do the activities related to the knee joint like walking, standing for longer periods, climbing stairs, rising from a chair etc.

5.CREPITATION OF KNEE: It is the cracking sound you hear on moving the knee.

6.SWELLING: Is usually due to joint effusion or  accumulation of fluid in the articular space.

7.OSTEOPHYTES: Also known as bone spurs, these can be seen in the extra as tinny sharp growth of bone, typically at the edges of bones. They are often formed at the joint opposite to the affected joint.



⦁ It is one of the top homeopathic medication for knee pain.

⦁ This remedy is well suited to age related arthritis.

⦁ It helps to treat the stiffness and swelling of knee joint.

⦁ Also indicated in cases where there is marked weakness especially in the morning making it difficult to get out of bed.

⦁ Conium also helps in these cases where pain in knee is relieved by putting feet on chair.

⦁ It also helps in cases where weak memory is associated with the old age complaints.


⦁ It is one of the top medication for arthritis where there is history of due to overuse or over work.

⦁ Calcarea carb helps a lot in reducing the swelling in knee joint.

⦁ It also helps in cases where there is burning of soles and feet along with knee pain.

⦁ One of the indicative feature of calcarea carb is sharp pain as if knee was sprained.

⦁ Also, very effective remedy in treated bone spurs.

⦁ Its works wonderfully in overweight patients with osteoarthritis.


⦁ It is one of the top medication when there is marked stiffness of knee.

⦁ When there is hot painful swelling of knee, conium acts wonderfully.

⦁ It helps to treat tenderness of knee joint. One feels pain and increased sensitivity to touch and pressure on the knee.

⦁ Rhus tox helps is very effective in cases where the pains are better by motion and worse after rest like in morning or after a nap.

⦁ Also helps in patients who develop pains even after the operation of knee.

⦁ Rhus tox can help treat numbness and tingling in feet.


⦁ It is very effective in treating both pain and stiffness of knee.

⦁ It in indicated in patients where there is stitching and tearing pain in the knee, and the pain is better by rest.

⦁ Bryonia helps in cases of arthritis where the knee is red, swollen and hot.

⦁ It works wonderfully in patients where the knee joint pains on pressure.


⦁ It is one of the excellent remedy for arthritis when there is history of injury, also very useful remedy when there is degeneration of tissue.

⦁ It is helpful where there is sore, lame and bruised pain in the knee as if beaten.

⦁ It effectively treats soreness of knee after exertion.

⦁ It is helpful when there is great tenderness of knee, even the bed feels hard.

⦁ Arnica is very helpful when there is extreme pain in the knee and one can not walk erect.


⦁ It is one of the great homeopathic medication for cracking of crepitation in knee associated with arthritis.

⦁ It helps relieve swelling of knee joint.

⦁ It is well indicated in patients where the soles are painful too, one can hardly step on soles.


⦁ Ruta acts wonderfully in conditions involving cartilage disorders.

⦁ It is well indicated in patients when the legs give out on rising from chair.

⦁ It helps in treating osteoarthritis where there is extreme weakness and despair

ANAL FISTULA and its top homeopathic remedies. 


Anal fistula also called Ano-rectal fistula as the name suggests contains of two words anal and fistula. Anal refers to the buttock area and fistula refers to a tunnel. Now as simple as the name may sound the more tough it gets to heal the fistula. We will discuss later why it becomes so difficult to treat it or why it has the tendency to relapse even after surgery.

First, we will understand how it develops. Most of the fistula's starts as a small bump or a tiny eruption at the anal opening called Anal abscess. This abscess results is formed due to infection in the anal gland and it starts to drain inside the colon which starts to form a tract. Therefore, CHRONIC ABSCESS is one of the most important cause of Anal fistula, other rare causes may include Chron's disease, post-radiation proctitis, Chlamydia or any foreign body in rectum. 


1. PAIN : Rectal pain is a very common symptom and present in most cases of anal fistula. It typically hurts while sitting, walking and even while passing stool or urine.

2. Swelling around anus.

3.PUS : There is discharge of offensive, purulent fluid. 


5.BLEEDING: Many times one can observe blood staining discharge along with pus or it appears on the cotton while cleaning the abscess.

6.PRURITIS: It happens in some cases due to the constant discharge.

7.FEVER: In few cases if the infection gets bad, some individuals might also experience fever.

Now the most important question is 'What makes Anal fistula so difficult to treat?'

The answer is "its location" as it is situated so close to anal area and the presence of fecal matter (stool) acts as a constant source of bacteria and hence recurrent and long standing infections. Therefore even when an induvial undergo surgery for Anal fistula it gets hard for the surgical wound to heal properly and it gets infected again causing pus drainage. 

Having said that, it does not mean that it is impossible to treat fistula. If we follow the right approach we can heal it completely. The main key here to prevent the pus formation.

Our body has a natural tendency of regeneration. When ever we get a cut or wound it would naturally heal but in cases of fistula the pus acts as an obstacle. Here is when the role of homeopathic medication comes. These would help clear the tract of pus and recurrent infections and enhance the natural regrowth of normal tissue in the track.



⦁It is one of the top homeopathic remedy for treating abscess, boils and fistulas

⦁It is indicated in cases where there is marked pus discharge. There is a lot of foul smelling pus discharge.

⦁It is very helpful in treating chronic fistulas which do not heal. Old chronic abscess or fistulas which are very stubborn to heal.

⦁Silicea is a great remedy especially when there is a itching in the which gets worse in the evening hours.

⦁It is also very good remedy in cases when there is constipation along with fistula.


⦁It is the Anti-septic remedy of homeopathy, hence one of the top medication to eliminate infections.

⦁It is one of the most powerful remedy for Anal fistula and should be the first choice of remedy.

⦁It fasten the release of accumulated pus and hence  helps the tract to dry up quickly.

⦁It also helps when there is any associated inflammation along with anal fistula.


⦁Another top homeopathic medication for abscess and anal fistula. It is indicated when the abscess or fistula is very sensitive to touch.

⦁It acts well where there is burning and stinging pain and it bleeds easily.

⦁It is remedy when the person has the tendency of suppuration. Unhealthy skin which tends to develop pus very easily.

⦁When the discharges are very offensive and putrid, like smell of an old cheese, Hepar Sulph is the remedy.


⦁It is very helpful in treating the abscess keeps oozing the moisture (pus discharge). 

⦁It helps in treating swelling at anal area.


⦁This remedy gives great results in clinical practice while treating cases of anal fistula.

⦁It helps to treat pus discharge is the main symptom of anal fistula.

⦁It acts very well in cases where there is a crawling sensation in the abscess. 

⦁Also, suits very well to those who have marked sweating at the anal area.

GERD and homeopathy

Gastro-esophageal reflux disorder commonly known as acid reflux is a very common cause of chronic acidity. It happens when the acid from the stomach flows back to the food pipe (esophagus).


The below factors can be the common factor giving you GERD or worsening it. 

⦁Excess of coffee or tea intake

⦁Taking large meals and not having fixed time for meals.

⦁Lax LES (Lower esophageal sphincter)

⦁Being overweight

⦁Alcohol and smoking


⦁Hiatus Hernia

⦁Certain medications like Ibuprofen, aspirin etc. 

⦁Certain supplements like Iron and potassium.


⦁Heartburn: Acidity is the most common symptom of GERD. 

⦁Chest pain : It is burning sharp pain and might feel like a heart attack.

⦁Regurgitation of food or liquid

⦁Difficulty swallowing


⦁Vomiting: One might have rare episodes of vomiting as well. 

⦁Hoarseness of voice

⦁Bad breath

⦁Loss of appetite 



It will also help individuals who have metallic taste in the mouth, loss of appetite and or difficult swallowing 

The food swallowed seems to be stuck in the esophagus.

It is also indicated when the symptoms are worse after intake of vegetables, vinegar, citrus fruits, ice creams or smoking.


It is indicated in individuals who are constipated, there is desire to pass stool but still remains constipated. 

The stomach feels distended, the gas seems to be stuck inside the abdomen. 

It also suits to children who have acidity. 


Iris is indicated when there is burning of whole alimentary canal (mouth to anus) 

It is very effective in treating nausea and vomiting which is sour.

There is frontal headache with acidity. Headache usually starts with a blur in front of the eyes and it is worse after rest.

It helps in treating loss of appetite and nausea.


It is one of the best remedy for excess of acidity with sour eructation and sour taste.

The tongue is coated white yellow creamy.

There is a sensation of lump in throat.

It helps treat sour regurgitation of food and loss of appetite.


It treats nausea which is usually worse in the morning.

Carbo veg is suited to individuals where the simplest food causes symptoms. No matter what they eat, they still suffer from acidity and gas.

It treats hoarseness of voice which is worse in the evening.

There is intolerance to milk, fatty food and meat.



Autism spectrum disorder is a neuro-development disorder. As it is a spectrum disorder it can have many variations. There are many disorders included  under this spectrum like Autism or Autistic Disorder, Pervasive development disorder(PDD) -NOS, CDD, Asperger's syndrome and Rett's Syndrome.

We are going to discuss Autism and its early signs which as parents we should look for.

Autism is a disorder which affects the communication, social and behavioral skills of a child.


1. Genetics: Certain chromosomal abnormalities have been linked to autism. Some common are Fragile X, chromosome 15 deletion (15q13.3), 22q13 deletion, Chromosome 15 deletion, 1q21.1 microdeletion, MTHFR gene mutation (affecting homocysteine levels) etc.  It is not every child with autism will have these or every child having these would develop autism. Sometimes we find the same mutation in parents but they do not have any symptoms. These mutations just make the child vulnerable to have cognitive issues, developmental delay or seizures.

2.  Birth Trauma: Certain complications during birth can also make a child vulnerable to development delays. They will not cause autism but they can increase the chances of having it. For example: Hypoglycemia (Low sugar level) at birth, Forceps or vacuum delivery, delayed birth cry, Meconium aspiration (if the child aspirated stool during delivery).

3. Family History: Sometimes development disorders run in the family. It is at times seen in kids with family history  psychiatric disorders. ASD is common in twin pregnancy as well.

4. Vaccinations: In some cases of ASD we see the regression after vaccines commonly the MMR vaccine. The parents will see the child losing the development milestones post the vaccines.

All these are the probable factors, in most of the cases no one can put  a finger on one specific cause or can rule out what actually contributed to ASD.

Autism itself is  a very scary word for parents and the more they read about it the more stressful it gets. The most important thing is to identify the 'red flags' as early as possible. As most of the kids at a young age are slipping into the spectrum and if we catch them early we can pull them out of the spectrum as well.

These red flags not surely indicate that your child has autism but if you are observing these then an immediate action is must. 


⦁ Poor response to name

⦁ Poor eye contact

⦁ Can not finger point

⦁ Not toilet trained

⦁ Can not wave to bye

⦁ Speech delay

⦁ Lacks need based communication

⦁ Poor pretend play

⦁ Can not follow commands

⦁ Tip-toe walking

⦁ Hyperactivity

⦁ Lacks danger awareness

⦁ Lacking emotional attachment

⦁ Poor peer interaction

⦁ SENSORY ISSUES: like sound sensitivity, self laughing, smelling things, mouthing, picky eater, genital rubbing, visual stimulations etc.

⦁ OBSESSIONS: The child is obsessed to line toys or cars, to play with water, to specific a song or cartoon or video etc.  


Response to name is one of the most important signs. It differentiates autism from other development disorders. Parents often get confused as to how to evaluate this. Now this simply means how is your child responding when you call his/her name? Just the name.

 As most of the kids have interest based responses like they will respond to activities of their interest for example if you say let's go out, let's have candy, they would immediately respond. Therefore, it gets difficult for parents to evaluate. So the best way to evaluate is to randomly call them, like  try calling his name now and see if responds. How many times do you have to call him before he responds? If out of 10 times his response is 5 times or less then it is a red flag.  

(We should ensure that the child has normal Hearing before accessing his response to name. If you have not conducted any hearing test for your child you can still access his hearing. Most of the kids react when you play their favorite cartoon or they even react to the sound of a candy wrapper or his dad's car sound, that's how you know he is able to listen to the sounds around. A hearing test is recommended if you have further doubts.)


Eye contact is a concern in most of the kids with development  issues. The child can not hold eye contact or even avoids making it while engaging.


Hyperactivity is one symptom that is most difficult for parents to evaluate as kids are active and playful. So when we say hyperactive we are talking about purposeless movements. For example if you take your child out to a restaurant or a park or a grocery store, how difficult is it to control him? Will he be moving here and there and you need to give him something like a toy to make him sit?  If he is jumping a lot  or climbing furniture at home? There are body movements like hand flapping, rocking, stemming etc. If the answer to these is yes then he is hyperactive.


If he can not point for his needs or to your questions like where is Muma, where is your nose, where is fan, then he lacks the ability to do finger pointing.


Speech is the most important concern for most of the parents. This is when we as parents start to worry. When we compare him with other kids of his age we see there is a lag. The child lacks age appropriate speech or is totally absent. He can not express even his needs or call Mama Dada relevantly. Sometimes speech is there but only single words or repetitive speech. Like can repeat the rhymes or phrases he heard on YouTube or TV, but he lacks expressive speech. He can not carry a conversation or engage in two way communication. 


1.BARYTA CARB: It is indicated when:

⦁ The child lacks age appropriate development both mental and physical.

⦁ There is delay in milestones like walking, crawling and speech.

⦁ He has poor social skills and can not interact with kids of his age. He is very shy and will hide behind parents.

⦁ Very sensitive child and cries over little things. .

⦁ The child has very weak memory and is a slow learner.

⦁ He has aversion to strangers and lack of confidence.

⦁ There are sleep issues, it is very difficult to put him to sleep. He wakes up frequently at night and talks in sleep.

⦁ He is a picky eater, does not like eating food. He is sensitive to texture and taste. Smells food before eating.

⦁ The child is vulnerable to recurrent infections and easily gets cold and flu.

2.CARCINOSINUM: It is indicated when:

⦁ The child lacks age appropriate speech even the onset of the speech was late. Can not express his needs and there is a lot of babbling, stemming or self talking. This is a great remedy to promote speech.

⦁ It is a great remedy to improve the cognitive development of the child.

⦁ The child is very hyperactive with constant jumping and running here and there. It is very difficult to make him sit in one place.

⦁ He lacks attention, can not focus even for few minutes. He gets distracted very easily.

⦁ There are lot mouthing issues, he puts anything and everything in his mouth.

⦁ Lot of crying and whining.

⦁ He loves music and dance. The child gets fixated on one specific song or tune.

⦁ He is sleepless, remains up till late at night. He wants to be carried and rocked.

⦁ The child is sound sensitive. He can not tolerate loud noises and covers his ears.

3.HYOSCYAMUS NIGER: It is indicated when:

⦁ There are a lot of behavior and sensory issues. 

⦁ The child is very hyperactive with lot of repetitive body movements: hand flapping, tip-toe walking, jumping etc. He can even run away from the house if left unattended.

⦁ There is irrelevant or meaningless speech. He constantly mutters something.

⦁ It is one of the best medication for sensory issues like Self laughing and genital rubbing.

⦁ He gets aggressive and hits parents or other kids.

⦁ He seems to do foolish or silly activities.

⦁ Hyoscyamus helps improving attention. Very poor focus, will not even sit on his seat.

4.CALCAREA CARB: It is indicated when:

⦁ The child has delayed milestones especially teething and speech delay.

⦁ He has poor cognitive and slow learning abilities. Lots of confusion and dislikes any mental work.

⦁ The child prefers to play alone and does not like company. He remains in his own imaginary world.

⦁ Very stubborn child and has anxieties.

⦁ The child is very lazy and not interested in doing any activity, even playing.

⦁ He has sensitivity to light and mouthing issues (eats dirt and indigestible things).

⦁ It suits very well to children who catch cold very easily, sweat a lot especially on head and are prone to gut issues or are overweight.

⦁ Calcarea carb also helps when the child has associated hearing issues.

MIGRAINE and Homeopathy


Migraine headaches are one of the most severe headaches. They are throbbing, pulsating, congestive and debilitating. They are typically one-sided however, the whole head can be involved as well. It can last from a few hours to even days.

When we talk about migraine it's not just a headache, it has a lot of associated symptoms. Many patients also experience the symptoms of Prodrome or Aura. These are the signs and symptoms that one experiences before the onset of actual episodes. These can be considered as warning signs that predict an attack. For example: Seeing flashing lights, ringing in ears, numbness or tingling in lips, sleep changes, constipation, too much yawning, food craving, poor focus etc. They can be different for different people. And might not be present in certain cases.


1. Throbbing, pulsating and congestive pain in head.

2. Nausea

3. Vomiting

4. Sensitivity to light

5.Sensitivity to noise and smell

6.Feeling tired and fatigue feeling

7.Dizziness and vertigo

8.Blurry vision

9. Disturbed sleep

10.Mood swings, irritability or depression

11. Neck pain and stiffness

Common Triggering factors for migraines:

Emotional Stress, Disturbed sleep, sun exposure, physical or mental exertion, too much caffeine, birth control pills, menses, eye strain, exposure to flickering lights, loud music/noise etc.  



⦁ It helps treat the worst throbbing and blinding headaches. Feels as if  someone is knocking the head with a hammer..

⦁ Sun headaches, it is one of the best remedy to treat headaches which occur or are worse after sun exposure. Headaches are usually better after sleep.

⦁ Headaches which are worse during and after periods. Natrum mur is the top remedy to treat migraines which are  triggered with menses.

⦁ One sided or Congestive headaches, the head feels constricted

⦁ It treats nausea and vomiting which is worse after eye strain or during menstruation.

⦁ It is also indicated when there is numbness and tingling in tongue and lips before the attack. One sees sparks or zig zag lines in front of eyes.

⦁ Natrum mur very effectively treats migraines in young girls, or migraine since puberty.

⦁ There is depressed feeling with irritability, she wants to be alone and wants to cry. Gets irritated on little things. There is a great weakness, it does not feel like getting out of bed.


⦁ Congestive headache, it feels as if there is rush of blood to the head. One can also feel the sensation of pulse in the head. Pain is in sync with the pulse.

⦁ It is a great remedy for migraine during menopausal age.

⦁ Headache is triggered by excess heat or cold. Can not bear to cover the head. Headache increases with the sun and decreases by the evening.

⦁ During an attack there is confusion and dizziness.

⦁ It treats migraines which appear instead of menses.

⦁ Head feels very heavy and she can not lie on the pillow. Head feels too large and it seems as if the skull is small for the head.

⦁ Can not tolerate contradiction, if things to do not go her way it would bring great irritability and headache.


⦁ Belladonna is the top homeopathy medications for headaches. It treats all kinds of headaches.

⦁ It is indicated for the worst throbbing headaches. Hot red flushed face with redness, burning and glaring in eyes.

⦁ There is strong vertigo and feels as if she would fall backwards.

⦁ Headaches are worst from least noise, touch or movement. Does not want to talk to anyone.

⦁ Belladonna is also indicated when the onset of attacks is sudden. When there are no aura or prodrome symptoms.

⦁ There is marked sensitivity to light, eyes feel swollen and hot. Belladonna treats double vision very effectively.


⦁ It is indicated for stinging pain in head with nausea and vomiting. Pain usually in the forehead.

⦁ Headaches during menses with scanty flow.

⦁ It effectively treats menopausal headaches. It is also very helpful for hot flashes.

⦁ Migraines with black floaters in the vision.

⦁ Migraines are worse indoors and she can not lie on the affected side.

⦁ Sepia acts wonderfully for indifference. When there is marked indifference for everything, towards family, work or even to the activity she used to love doing. There is great sadness and irritability. Cries even while talking.


⦁ It is one the top remedy for left sided headache. Pain on the frontal area or temples extending to the eyes.

⦁ It is indicated when there is intense throbbing pain that makes it difficult to walk. He makes a false step while walking.

⦁ Sensation as if there is a band around the head.

⦁ It indicated when there is marked vertigo with migraine.

⦁ There is severe pressing pain in and around eyes, pain on moving the eyes.


⦁ It is indicated for right sided headaches. Pain starts from the back of head and settles over the eyes, especially the right eye. Migraines are usually periodical.

⦁ It is also indicated when pain occurs in small spots

⦁ Migraine with burning in eyes.

⦁ There is burning , vomiting and nausea with increases salivation. Spits up the bile juices.

⦁ It helps treating redness of cheeks with flashes of heat. It is indicated in peri-menopausal or menopausal complaints.

⦁ There is burning in palm and soles.

⦁ Ears ache with headache, there is humming and roaring sound in ears.

⦁ Headache  better after sleep or by lying down. 

MENIERE'S DISEASE and homeopathy


Meniere's disease also known as Endolymphatic hydrops is an inner ear disorder characterized by triad of Tinnitus, vertigo and fluctuating hearing loss. It usually occurs in episodes and when progressed it becomes chronic.


It occurs due to accumulation of endolymphatic fluid in the inner ear which puts extra pressure on the reissner's membrane and causes  stimulation of the vestibular nerve therefore producing the symptoms.


1TINNITUS: Or ringing in ears, this is one of the most troublesome symptoms. The sounds can be ringing,  It leads to poor focus and irritability. It gets masked when a louder noise is present so some people prefer listening to music or they will keep  the fan on while sleeping. The loudness of tinnitus usually corresponds to the amount of hearing loss one has.

2. DIZZINESS and VERTIGO: There are sudden episodes of vertigo. There is a sensation of spinning. Even while lying down it feels as if they were floating or lying on a boat. Vertigo badly affects the day to day activities of individuals with Meniere's. (Do watch your sodium/salt intake if you have very bad vertigo.)

3. HEARING LOSS: It is mostly fluctuating hearing loss, it comes and goes. Some amount of hearing loss remains after every episode and this gradually becomes more of a permanent hearing loss.

4.FULLNESS IN EARS: There is a sensation of fullness in ears or they are blocked up. It is commonly described as it happens on an airplane. They feel there is a pressure in the ears. It can happen in one or both the ears.



⦁ It is indicated for loud ringing, buzzing and roaring in ears with hearing loss. It is one of the top medications for tinnitus.

⦁ There are strong episodes of vertigo with inability to stand during and episode. One may even fall due to the vertigo.

⦁ It helps in treating vertigo with headaches which gradually increase at noon.

⦁ It is also indicated when there is marked periodicity, the episodes occur at fixed intervals.

⦁ It very effectively treats left sided complaints.


⦁ This remedy is a savior in cases of Meniere's disease. It is a top remedy to treat vertigo and dizziness.

⦁ It is indicated for vertigo which occurs on turning the head, lying down, turning eyes, slight noise or conversation and is worse while shaking the head.

⦁ It also treats vertigo associated with nausea and vomiting.

⦁ There is a sensation of tightness in head as if the temples were pressed.

⦁ It is also used when there is weakness of memory, one is unable to do any mental work. And also, for physical weakness, weakness early morning while lying in bed.

⦁ It effectively treats Meniere's with depression, one does not wants to socialize or meet people and does not have interest in doing anything.

3. KALI MURATICUM: For fullness in ear

⦁It is the best medication for chronic fluid accumulation in middle ear.

⦁It very effectively treats fullness in ears. The ears feel blocked. 

⦁ It very effectively treats fullness in ears. The ears feel blocked.

⦁ There is sensation of snapping in ears and with tinnitus.

⦁ The glands around the ears are also swollen.

⦁ It treats headache with vomiting.

. 4.GELSEMIUM: For Dizziness and vertigo.

⦁ It is another great remedy for vertigo. Vertigo with heaviness in head and eyes, sensation as if there is a band around the head.

⦁ Headache with soreness in neck and shoulder. There is pain in temple region extending to ears

⦁ It treats dizziness with weakness and tired feeling. There is marked weakness both physical and mental.

⦁ There is a desire to be left alone and quite. Any emotional excitement or stress will bring on the complaints.

⦁ It treats depression, dullness and lethargic feeling.


BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia is a very common condition in older men. It usually starts around the age of 50-55 years.

Before we talk about BPH, let's understand what the prostate gland is and what its function is.

What is Prostate Gland?

It is a small walnut size gland in men and is located between their bladder and penis. Therefore, when the size of the prostate gland increases it squeezes the bladder and causes urinary difficulties.

Function of Prostate gland:

Its main function is to produce seminal fluid. This fluid nourishes the sperms and helps in the transportation. When ejaculation happens the prostate glands push semen into the urethra.



1.AGE: It is very common in males after the age of 50 and BPH is a benign growth it is not cancer. In most cases it does not even require treatment until it starts giving troublesome symptoms or if there is increase in post-void residual urine.

2. FAMILY HISTORY: It is seen that it runs in the family.  So, someone with family history of BPH is more vulnerable to it.

3.LIFESTYLE: It is seen more often in obese male with sedentary lifestyle or in men with diabetes are more vulnerable to develop BPH.


1.Increased frequency of urination

2.Urgency to urinate

3.Straining before urination

4.Incomeplete emptying of bladder

5.Weak urine flow

6. Intermittent flow: flow starts, stops and then starts

7. Difficulty in holding urine

8.Multi-direction flow: Urine splits into two or more streams

9. Nocturia: Increased frequency of urine at night, one has to wake up multiple times

10. Rarely, blood in urine



⦁It is one of the top medications for prostate enlargement.

⦁It is indicated when there is constant desire to pass urine especially at night. Very effective remedy for increased frequency of urination.

⦁There is urinary incontinence, can not hold urine and it passes accidentally or on the way to restroom.

⦁It very effectively treats cystitis or urinary infections due to prostate enlargement.

⦁It helps when there is loss of sexual desire with BPH.


⦁It is very effective remedy for weak urinary flow. The flow comes very slowly, it starts and then stops.

⦁There is a lot of straining before urination.

⦁It treats increased frequency of urination.

⦁It is indicated when there is pain in back before urinating and it goes away after passing urine.

⦁It treats dysuria, there is pain before passing urine.

⦁It is also indicated for retention of urine due to enlarged prostate.

⦁It very effectively treats sexual weakness associated with enlarged prostrate. The erection is weak with premature ejaculation.


⦁It is very effective remedy for prostate enlargement in older age group.

⦁There is difficulty in holding urine, it dribbles.  

⦁It is indicated when there is difficulty in voiding the bladder. Urine flows for some time and then stops again.

⦁It is helpful in cases where there is retention of urine resulting in increased post void residual volume in ultrasound.

⦁The testes are enlarged and hard.

⦁It treats sleeplessness associated with prostate enlargement.


⦁Another great remedy for old-age complaints. It is indicated for prostate enlargement in older age groups of 60 years or more.

⦁Baryta carb has a marked action on all kinds of glandular enlargements. The glands become large with hard swelling.

⦁There is constant urge to urinate.

⦁It is indicated when there in burning pain while passing urine.

⦁It effectively treats low sexual desire and impotency.

⦁It is also good remedy when there is dementia along with the gland enlargement. There is great weakness and loss of memory.


⦁Clematis is very effective remedy for treating the urinary symptoms of BPH.

⦁It is indicated when there is frequent and scanty urination. He goes many times to urinate but passes only a small quantity of urine.

⦁There is inability to pass all the the urine in one go, it dribbles after urination.

⦁Interrupted flow of urine.

⦁It one of the best remedy for weak stream, urine passes drop by drop.

⦁There is a sensation of constriction in urethra. Burning pain at the urethral opening, worse at night.



CONSTIPATION and homeopathy


⦁ It is one of the top medications to treat complaints associated with modern lifestyle. There is indoor and sedentary life with mental strain and desire for stimulants like coffee, alcohol or tobacco.

⦁ Constipation with ineffectual urge. This one of the main indicative features of Nux vomica is strong urge to pass stool but one is unable to do so when he sits on the pot.

⦁ Incomplete or unsatisfactory stool, there is a feeling as if some stool still remained inside. Therefore he does not feel fresh even after passing stool.

⦁ Nux vomica is a wonderful medication to treat slow peristaltic activity, it is indicated when there is frequent desire to pass stool but passes only small quantity every time.

⦁ There is constipation with blind piles (non bleeding). There is pain while passing stool.

⦁ It treats constipation associated with prolonged abuse with laxatives.

⦁ Abdomen is distended or bloated with tendency to have liver complaints.

⦁ There is constant discomfort felt in the rectum.


⦁ It is indicated when there is no desire to pass to stool, the stool is hard, dry and passes in lumps.

⦁ There is a lot of straining before stool, even a soft stool passes with great difficulty.

⦁ Rectum feels dry and sore. There is burning and itching at the anus.

⦁ It is a great remedy for constipation and colic's of infants  or in old people due to inactivity of rectum.

⦁ There is a prolong urge proceeded before the stool actually passes.

⦁ Constipation with no desire to eat. Heartburn and esophagus feels constricted.

⦁ There is bad odor from mouth and the gums are sore and bleed easily.


⦁ It is indicated for the most intense constipation. There is no desire to pass stool for days.

⦁ Marble-like stool passes but the rectum still feels full.

⦁ There is ineffectual urge, he has the urge but unable to expel the stool out.

⦁ It treats itching in the anus.

⦁ There is long-lasting tearing pains in the rectum after passing stool. Also, a good remedy to treat piles.


⦁ It is one of the top medications for dryness especially of mucous membranes.

⦁ It is indicated when the stool is very dry and hard. It seems brown and thick as if burnt.

⦁ There is increased thirst and the lips are dry and cracked.

⦁ The mouth is dry and the tongue is coated yellow with bitter taste in mouth.

⦁ Complaints are usually worse in hot weather.

⦁ There is blood in stool specially in the morning.


⦁ It is indicated for one of the most obstinate constipation. There is no desire to go to stool.

⦁ The stool is black and offensive, it comes out as hard round balls.

⦁ It is indicated when stool is retained in the intestines.

⦁ The stool comes out and then recedes back into rectum.

⦁ There is pain in rectum while passing stool.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and homeopathy


Chronic fatigue syndrome also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a long term, debilitating disorder characterized by unexplained extreme fatigue or tiredness which can not be explained by any underlying medical cause or condition. 

It is more common in females than males. In most cases its symptoms range from mild to moderate and only 1% of cases it might get severe making a person bed ridden. 

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

1. Unexplained fatigue: Fatigue is the main symptom of this disorder. It is so marked that it is nearly difficult to perform even the basic day to day activities. It is difficult to even get out of the bed in certain cases. This unexplained fatigue needs to be present for more than 6 months to diagnose it as CFS. 


3.Post-exertion malaise: The feeling of fatigue is worse 24-48 hours after a physical or mental exertion.

4. Sleep disturbance: Sleeplessness is very common in CFS which makes their fatigue worse. 

5.Unrefreshing sleep: Even if the sleep is normal they feel as if they haven't slept. 

6.Brain fog

7.Musclar pains or headaches

8.Cognitive impairment: Poor focus and difficult concentration. 

9.Orthostatic Intolerance: When there is inability to stand upright with the symptoms such as lightheadedness, blur vision, fatigue, dizziness and palpitations. 

10.Other symptoms: Depression, Gastric troubles, shortness of breath and sore throat. 



⦁It is one of the top medications for fatigue. The slightest exertion would cause great exhaustion. Fatigue associated with anxieties and worries.

⦁ It is indicated when there has been chronic sufferings and now there is loss of hope to get cured. She feels it is useless to take any medication. 

⦁Four main indicating symptoms for arsenic are: Debility, Exhaustion, restlessness and Night aggravation. 

⦁Sleep is disturbed, anxious and restless at time of sleep. Sleep with a raised pillow or with a hand over his/her head. Dreams are full of care and worries. 

⦁It treats periodical headaches, burning pains in the head which are better in cold. 

⦁It is indicated for palpitations with feeling of faintness, Pulse feels rapid. 


⦁'Listless' is the main indicating feature for Acid phos. There is an absolute lack of energy.

⦁It is great medication for weakness, first there is mental debility followed by physical weakness. 

⦁There is lethargic feeling with indifference. Does not wish to do anything. 

⦁It is one of the great remedy for cognitive impairment, where one can not collect his/her thoughts or can not find the right word during conversation. 

⦁It works wonderfully in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome where there is a history of grief or mental shock. 

⦁Indicated for headaches, pains as if the temples were pressed, pressure feeling on the top of head. Headaches worse with noise.

⦁It treats vertigo, which is worse after standing or walking. 


⦁It is a great remedy for weakness. There is marked physical and mental weakness. There is a feeling of tiredness throughout the day, from waking up in the morning till the time he/she goes to bed.  

⦁Fatigue from slightest exertion. 

⦁It effectively treats depression associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. There is dullness, lethargy feeling, he/she wants to be quiet and to be left alone. 

⦁Sleeplessness due to overthinking and exhaustion. One can not fall asleep fully, something or other is always going on in the mind. Too much yawning but can not sleep. 

⦁It is one of the top medications for muscular weakness and pain. There is loss of muscle power and poor muscular coordination. 

⦁There is pain in the neck, back and mostly in the lower extremities like legs, hip and lower back. 


⦁It is one of the great remedy which covers almost all the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. It suits very well to young people with chronic fatigue.

⦁Sleeplessness and tiredness with depression is the main indicating feature of this remedy.

⦁There is great weakness, slightest work seems as a heavy task. 

⦁It is indicated when the depression is marked, he/she does not even wants to meet people, very sensitive and gets easily offended. 

⦁There brain-fag with loss of memory.

⦁Kali phos also very great remedy when one has worries or stress related to their business. 

⦁It treats headaches in students or young people due to overexertion. Vertigo from lying, standing or looking upward. 


This remedy is used to treat muscular pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. 

It suits individuals who are tired, exhausted and can not do any kind of mental work. 

There are cramp like pains in the muscles which radiates to surrounding areas. 

Muscular pains after doing any mental work. 

It treats involuntary shaking of hand, there is weakness in arms and fingers with numbness on the tip of fingers.

There is general weakness of muscles of the whole body. 

IBS and its best homeopathic remedies


Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the large intestine, functional because there is no underlying pathology involved in IBS. All the tests and investigations would come normal in IBS, but one would still experience the symptoms. IBS can really affect the quality of life of an individual and cause great discomfort.

Types of IBS:

IBS with constipation

IBS with diarrhea

Mixed type, when both diarrhea and constipation are present.


There is no exact cause as to why it occurs but there are factors that can make a person vulnerable to IBS. These factors somehow make the large intestine oversensitive and alter its peristaltic movement. If the movement of intestine is increased it would cause diarrhea. If the movement of the large intestine is reduced or it goes into spasms that can result in constipation.

Some common factors that can cause IBS include

1.Stress: It is one of the most common factors. Most of the IBS are worse after stress or anxiety.

2.Overuse of antibiotics or certain medications (eg. antidepressants, sorbitol)

3.Disturbed gut flora or gut bacteria (This can act as a trigger or a cause as to why IBS occurs)

4.Food Sensitivity: Some individuals are sensitive to certain foods like dairy or gluten. IBS is different from other diseases like celiac or lactose intolerance  as in those conditions one is intolerant or allergic to specific food and there will be pathology involved. But in IBS it is simply over sensitivity to certain food items and eliminating them from diet can give some relief.

5. Alcohol or Chain smoking


1.Bloating: It is one of the main symptoms of IBS. The abdomen seems full and distended as if a 'pregnant belly'. There is too much gas formation but one feels he does not pass enough.

2. Irregular bowel movement: Constipation, diarrhea or both.

The diarrhea of IBS can be really bad and one might have to go several times a day.

3.Cramps or pain in abdomen

4. Mucous in stool

5. Feeling of incomplete evacuation: Does not feel fresh after passing stool. There can be frequent urges to pass stool.

6. Acidity and Indigestion

Homeopathic medications for IBS:

Homeopathy is very useful in treating IBS naturally.

1.Argentum Nitricum:

⦁ This is one of the top homeopathic medications for IBS and never fails to give relief.

⦁ It wonderfully treats IBS with diarrhea, the stool is watery, noisy and offensive with mucous.

⦁ There is great distention of abdomen due to accumulation of gas, the stomach feels huge.

⦁ One has to go stool immediately after drinking or eating.

⦁ Lot of gas passes with stool.

⦁ There is a lot belching and retching, the pit of stomach (epigastrium) feels swollen and painful.

⦁ There is acidity and burning sensation. One himself tries to eructate as passing gas gives relief.

⦁ Argentum nit is one of the best medications for anticipatory anxiety, there are lot of anxiety and nervousness before going somewhere, before a meeting or before meeting people etc.

⦁ It treats abdominal colic. There is painful spot on stomach from which pain radiates to the other parts

⦁ Argentum nit suits would perfectly suit to individuals who are always hurried, have poor memory, brain fog, craves for sweet things and are very fearful and nervous.

2.Ignatia Amara:

⦁ It works wonderfully in cases of IBS where there has been prolong history of stress of grief. One can relate to all the troubles when he/she started going through that stressful phase.

⦁ It is indicated when there is all gone or sinking feeling in the stomach with sour eructation and lot of flatulence.

⦁ There is colic or gripping pain on either side or both sides of abdomen.

⦁ It treats both type of IBS with diarrhea or with constipation.

⦁ There is rumbling and growling in the bowels and cramps in the stomach

⦁ He/she has cravings for acidic things but they don't suit him/her at all and would worsen the symptoms.

⦁ It is suited to individuals who are sad, depressed and brood over the past, cry very easily, does not want to talk or communicate with anyone. Ailments from disappointment and grief.

3.Carbo Veg:

⦁ It is the best homeopathic medications for bloating and flatulence.

⦁ It is indicated when there is too much gas formation and he/she passes excessive bad smelling flatus/gas. He/she can not tolerate tight clothing around the waist.

⦁ Abdomen is greatly distended.

⦁ There is  fullness, heaviness and tense feeling in abdomen due to flatulence.

⦁ Eructation, retching and belching after eating or drinking. There is temporary relief from belching.

⦁ It treats slow digestion, the simplest of the food brings on the symptoms. No matter how healthy one eats.

⦁ There are crampy pains in the abdomen which forces him/her to bend double. Pain in the area of the liver.

⦁ There is nausea in the morning. Burning in the stomach and discomfort usually comes after half an hour of eating.

⦁ All the complaints are better by passing wind.

⦁ The stool is mushy and moist with frequent episodes. It is also a great remedy for painful diarrhea in old people.

⦁ It suits well to individuals who have weakness and fatigue with faint feeling.

4.Nux Vomica: For constipation:

⦁ This can be used along with any other remedy to treat the IBS with constipation or when constipation alternates with diarrhea.

⦁ It is indicated when there is constipation with urge. One has the desire to go to stool but can not pass stool. There is frequent urge with incomplete or unsatisfactory feeling after passing stool.

⦁ It is a great remedy for irregular peristaltic movement of intestine.

⦁ One passes small quantities of stool and thus has to pass stool 2-3 times a day to completely clear the rectum.

⦁ It also great remedy for constipation when there has been a prolonged use of laxative without any relief.

⦁ Bruised-sore and distended abdomen, with spasmodic colic. There is a sensation of upward pressure in the abdomen causing shortness of breath.

5.Aloe Socotrina : For diarrhea

⦁ It is great remedy to treat IBS with diarrhea.

⦁ There is sense of weakness in rectum as if the stool would involuntarily escape. He/she is uncertain whether stool or gas would pass, feels as if stool would also pass with the flatus.

⦁ Stool passes without any effort, it is lumpy, watery and jelly like with soreness in rectum after passing stool

⦁ There is colic before and during passing stool.

⦁ It is indicated when there is great accumulation of gas pressing downward and thus causing great distress in large intestine.

⦁ Abdomen feels full, hot, heavy and bloated with constant urge to pass stool.

⦁ It is also indicated when there in pain around the navel area, in the liver region or under right ribs.


Eczema and its top homeopathic remedies

  Eczema also known as dermatitis is a skin condition resulting in inflammation of the skin mainly due to allergic responses of the body. The exact cause of eczema is not clear but is mostly due to the over sensitivity of the immune system. It can be dry or wet eczema, however dry eczema is more common than wet.

Types of Eczema:

1. Atopic Dermatitis: It is the most common type of eczema and usually starts in childhood, however can occur at any age. It can have an associated or history of Asthma as well. There are red, swollen, dry patches on the skin, commonly at the bend of joints like elbow, knee etc. There might be liquid oozing out from the patches initially but later it becomes more thick and dry.

2.Contact Dermatitis: Contact irritant dermatitis is usually triggered after coming in contact with an irritant. The area affected is the one which was exposed to the irritant. The common irritants can be soap, jewelry, nickel, industry chemicals etc. Most of us must have experienced it at least once in our lives. A small bumpy rash develops with itching at the area of contact.

It has a subtype which is contact allergic dermatitis. It occurs when you come in contact with the substance you are allergic to. This can last longer than the irritant dermatitis.

3. Seborrheic Dermatitis: This occurs where you have the sebaceous or oil glands. The most common site is the scalp, others include face, eyebrows, behind the ears etc. There will be a lot of flakiness on the affected areas eg: Dandruff on scalp or cradle cap in infants.

4.Dyshidrotis dermatitis: There are small blister-like eruptions that pop into small clusters on the palm, finger edges, soles and feet. There is intense itching on the affected areas and it is more of chronic and severe type.



1. Itching: Intense itching which gets worse after scratching. 

2.  Dryness : The skin gets very dry, even after applying any moisturizer it tends to get dry.

3. Flakiness

4. Redness


6. Oozing of liquid

7. Leathery, cracked and hard skin



⦁It is one of the top medication for eczema or atopic dermatitis, there is dryness and flaky eruptions specially on bend of joints/limbs scalp.

⦁ The skin looks raw, red and inflamed. It gets greasy on the hairy parts.

⦁There is intense itching and scratching.

⦁Very effective remedy for treating seborrheic dermatitis, there are patches on the margin of scalp and behind the ears.

⦁There is dryness and cracking of fingers and nails.

⦁It is also great remedy for hives or itching after exertion.


⦁It is indicated when the skin is very dry, rough, cracked and hard. There is dryness on the whole body even on the areas unaffected with eczema.

⦁There are raw eczema patches on back of limbs, neck, groins or back of the ears.

⦁A sticky liquid oozes out from the eruptions.

⦁It will very well suit an individual who also has acne or pimples along with dermatitis.

⦁It is indicated or unhealthy looking skin and tendency of every little injury to get infected.


⦁It is very good remedy for eczema specially in kids.

⦁There is intense itching which worse after scratching or touch and better by cold, or cold water.

⦁Severe itching  behind the knees and elbow, in hands or on the hairy parts of body.

⦁Eczema with frequent episodes of cold and flu. The child catches infection easily.

⦁The skin feels hot and swollen.

⦁Fagopyrum is also very good remedy for Dyshidrotic dermatitis, when there are small clusters of boils on the palms or soles.


⦁It is indicated when the skin is very sensitive, rough and leather like.

⦁Itching is worse at night and it bleeds on scratching.

⦁Skin is very sensitive the slightest scratch can even result in an eczema patch.

⦁It very well treats eczema that is worse in winters.

⦁Thick crusts form on the skin with intense burning.

SCIATICA and its best homeopathic remedies


Sciatica refers to a set of symptoms that arise due to the impingement/pressing of the sciatic nerve.

The Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body and it runs from the lower back  through the hips and thighs down to the heels.


1. Lumbo-sacral (L4-LG) disc bulge: As the sciatic nerve passes through the lower back area any disc bulge at this area can lead to impingement of sciatic nerve. The most common bulge or herniation is the L4-L5 disc bulge. Disc bulge commonly results from lifting heavy weight or trauma.


2. Lumbar spine stenosis: Stenosis refers to narrowing of the spine that can occur due to osteoarthritis, spine injury, post surgery, thickening of ligaments etc.

3. Bone Spurs: These tiny bone growths at the edge of the disc can press or irritate the sciatic nerve resulting in pain.

4. Spondylolisthesis: It refers to a condition when the vertebrae move more than the normal. These can slip out on the vertebrae below. This if happens in the lower back area it can put a pressure on the sciatic nerve and result in sciatica.


Prolong sitting, Bending, Obesity, poor sitting posture, wearing high heels, coughing, sneezing etc.


1.PAIN: There is severe radiating pain starting from the lower back all the way down to leg, sometimes it only extends till thigh. The pain can be felt anyway along the path of the sciatic nerve. The pains can be sharp, burning, electric-current like and usually on one side of the body.

2. Numbness and tingling.

3.Difficulty walking and sitting: Due to the excruciating pain it gets difficult for many to walk or sit for long.

4.Poor bladder and bowel control: This usually happens when there is involvement of Cauda Equina nerve roots. These cases are the ones which may require surgery.



⦁ This remedy is the painkiller of homeopathy and acts wonderfully in cases of sciatica.

⦁ Pain from hip to the knees especially on the left side. There is cramp like pain in the hip especially when lying on the affected side.

⦁ It is great remedy for sciatica resulting from a disc bulge.

⦁ There is drawing and tearing pain which is better by pressure and heat and worse by gentle touch.

⦁ It is also indicated for right sided sciatica where the pain extends from hip to the thigh.

⦁ It treats sciatica with numbness in the leg.

⦁ There is constriction and contraction felt in the muscle and tendons.



⦁ Gnaphalium never fails to give relief in cases of sciatica.

⦁ It is indicated for intense pain along the sciatic nerve with numbness. The pain alternates with numbness.

⦁ There is pain in the lower back area, lumbago better after lying down.

⦁ There are cramps in the calves when in the bed.

⦁ It suits well in those cases of sciatica where the pain is better after lifting the limb up.


⦁ It is another great remedy for sciatica that is worse on right side and one can not lie on the affected side.

⦁ The sciatic pain extends down to the heels. There is pain in heels while walking.

⦁ It is a great remedy for sciatica resulting from bone spurs or degenerative changes.

⦁ There is numbness and drawing pain in the leg at night or when at rest.

⦁ Cramps in the leg and calves in the bed at night.


⦁It works wonderfully in cases of sciatica which occurred due to lifting heavy weight or disc bulge.

⦁There is tearing pain extends down to the thighs.

⦁There is numbness and formication (feeling of insect crawling under skin) in the legs worse after exertion or exposure to cold air.

⦁There is great restlessness and one tends to change position frequently it makes him/her feel better. 

⦁Rhus tox acts well in cases where there great stiffness along with the pain. Joints, muscles, tendons everything feels very stiff. 


⦁ Radiating, sudden and sharp pains are  the key feature of mag phos, the pains start from one location and spread to another.

⦁ The feet are very tender to touch.

⦁ Cramping and twitching pains felt in the calves or thigh area.

⦁ There is great muscular weakness and one feels difficulty in walking, standing or climbing stairs.

⦁ It is indicated for sciatica which is better with warmth.

⦁ It suits well to people with sciatica who are tired fatigue and exhausted and also can not do any kind of mental exertion.  


⦁ It is indicated for sciatica when the pain from lower back or hip area extend till the thighs.

⦁ There is great sensitivity of the affected area and one can not tolerate even the touch of trousers.

⦁ It is indicated when the legs feel heavy and sore.

⦁ There are numb aching pains in muscles of legs.


Kidney stones and its best homeopathic remedies.


1. Berberis Vulgaris:

⦁ It is one of the top medication for kidney stones.

⦁ It is indicated when there is burning and soreness in the kidney region.

⦁ There are burning pains while passing urine and a sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder, as if some urine remained after urination.

⦁ It effectively treats increased frequency of urination. One has to go to pass urine every 2-3 hours.

⦁ There is pain in the lower back and in thigh while passing urine. Pain in the bladder region.

⦁ It is also indicated when the urine is thick with mucous or red sediments.


⦁ This is one of the best remedy for renal stone and renal colic (when the kidney stone causes intense pain).

⦁ There is burning in urethra with frequent desire to pass urine.

⦁ It is indicated when there is straining before urination, it is hard to start the urine.

⦁ There is sharp pain in the loin area of back especially on the left side.

⦁ It is great remedy for calcium oxalate stones or when there is increases calcium deposits in the urine or blood.

⦁ It will suit very well to individual who have enlarged prostate issue along with kidney stones.


⦁ Intolerable, constant urge to urinate is the main indicative feature of Cantharis

⦁ There is intense burning while urinating and urine scalds the urinary path while passing.

⦁ It is indicated when there is cutting and burning in the whole kidney region with constant desire to pass urine.

⦁ The urine passes drop by drop.

⦁ There is pain before, during and even after passing urine.

⦁ It is indicated when there is jelly-like or mucous deposits in the urine.

⦁ Great remedy for hematuria or bloody urine.

4. Sarsaparilla:

⦁ Another great remedy for Kidney stone and renal colic. Especially right sided kidney stones.

⦁ Severe pain towards the end of urination is one the key indication for this Sarsaparilla.

⦁ It is indicated when the flow of urine is weak and it falls slowly in drops or in a very thin stream.

⦁ The bladder feels distended and tender and pain felt at the urinary opening.

⦁ The urine is scanty, flaky and sandy. One of the best medications for sand-like deposits in the urine.

⦁ Intense pain while passing urine that one might scream or cry before and during passing urine.

⦁ There is pain in the right kidney region and it radiates all the way down from there.


⦁ It is indicated for kidney stone that leads to reduced urinary flow.

⦁ There is pain in back before urination and it gets better after passing urine.

⦁ The flow of urine in slow and one must strain for the flow to start.

⦁ There is increased urinary frequency at night and one has to wake from sleep few times to pass urine.

⦁ It is also indicated when there is red sediment in the urine.

Erectile Dysfunction and its top homeopathic remedies

Erectile dysfunction also referred as ED is a condition in which there is difficulty in getting or keeping an erection.

Causes of ED:

1.AGE: It is more common in men above the age group of 40, however it can happen at any age.

2.Diabetes:  Men with Diabetes Mellitus are 2 times more prone to develop Erectile dysfunction. In many cases of ED there is an associated history of DM.

3. Chain smoking or heavy drinking or drug abuse

4. Post prostate surgery.

5.Low testosterone levels.

6. Psychological causes: In many cases associated psychological issues like depression, low confidence, performance anxiety, Insomnia, anxieties etc., can give or worsen

7. Certain medications; Like Anti-depressants or Hypertension medication can make one more vulnerable to have ED.

8. Prolong driving hours: It is seen that ED is more common in men who drive or Ride for prolonged hours, more than 5 hours a day. It can trigger your ED or make it worse.

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction:

1. Weak or soft erections

2. Can not hold an erection

3. Premature Ejaculation

4. Low libido or sexual drive (this may or may not be affected)

5. The penis seems short and relaxed

6. Involuntary discharge of semen at night or with urine

Best Homeopathic medications for Erectile Dysfunction:

1.Agnus Castus:

2. Caladium :

3. Selenium:


5. Conium:

Cervical or Neck pain and homeopathy

        Best Homeopathic medications for Cervical pain or Neck Pain


⦁It is also known as Actea Racemosa, it one of the top medication for neck pain.

⦁It is indicated when there is soreness in the back of head and neck. There is great uneasiness and restlessness in the limbs. 

⦁There is stiffness and contraction feeling in the muscles of neck and upper back.

⦁The stiffness is so marked that it gets difficult to lie on the bed.

⦁The upper spine is very sensitive and tender, it hurts on touching or pressing. 

⦁'Worries and pain' are the main indication for cimicifuga. 

⦁These pains make her/him restless and sleepless. 


⦁Guaiacum or Guajacum officinale is one of the best medication for cervical spondylosis. 

⦁It is indicated when pain from the head extends back to the neck or when  pain in between the shoulders extends to the back of head. 

⦁There is aching in the nape of the neck. 

⦁Stiff neck and sore shoulders is a key indicative feature for guaiacum in cervical spondylosis. 

⦁Also a great remedy for rheumatism of shoulder and hands. 

⦁All the pains are worse from motion or exertion and are better with rest. 


⦁ It is one of the top remedy for cervical spondylosis and cervical radiculopathy.

⦁ "Shooting or Radiating pains" is characteristic of kalmia and this pain from neck extends to the arms and fingers.

⦁ There is numbness and tingling in the arm and hand.

⦁ It is indicated when the pains shift rapidly from one part to another.

⦁ It is very useful remedy for deltoid or shoulder pain.

⦁ There is weakness and pricking sensation in the arms.


⦁ It is one the best remedy for cervical pain with marked stiffness.

⦁ Stiffness and restlessness (both physical and mental) are they main indicative feature for rhus tox.

⦁ Rhus tox is one of the top remedy for Rheumatic pains of neck, upper back and hands.

⦁ The pain is worse while sitting, one feels great pressure and stiffness on the nape of neck.

⦁ It is a great remedy for neck pain due to incorrect posture.


⦁ It is indicate when there is sensation of heaviness in the nape of neck and across the shoulder.

⦁ It works well in cases where the pain in neck extends to left arm.

⦁ Neck pain with tension headache and feeling of a weight on the head. The scalp is very sensitive to touch.

⦁The arm becomes stiff and the fingers are clenched. The fingers often feel numb. 

Piles and homeopathy


Piles also known as hemorrhoids refers to swelling of veins in and around the anus due to stagnant blood in them.

Causes and risk factors for Piles:

1.Chronic Constipation

2. Prolong straining or sitting in toilet

3. Pregnancy

4. Portal  hypertension

5. Obesity or sedentary lifestyle

Types of Hemorrhoids. There can be:

External Piles

Internal Piles


Bleeding piles

Blind piles (Non-bleeding)

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids:

1. Bleeding: Painless or with pain

2. Pain in the anus: Pain can occur before, during or after stool

3. Swelling around anus

4. Itching in anus

5. Irregular  bowel movement: Constipation or diarrhea.

Best homeopathic medications for Piles:

1. Aesculus Hippocastanum: For both bleeding and Non-bleeding piles (Blind piles).

⦁It is one of the top medication for both bleeding and blind piles.

⦁Piles with sharp pain and burning in anus which shoots up till the back.

⦁It is indicated when the anus feels raw and sore. There is much pain in the anus after the stool.

⦁It is a great remedy for pile worse during the menopausal age.

⦁The stools are large, hard and dry, constipation.

⦁It is a great remedy for liver congestion and portal hypertension.

⦁Sensation as if the anus is full of small sticks is very unique indication of this remedy.

2. Hamamellis Verginiana: For bleeding piles:

⦁It is one of the best remedy for piles that bleed profusely.

⦁This remedy has a very marked action on venous engorgement. It helps treat the stagnant flow of blood in veins causing piles.

⦁He/she has to pass stool frequently throughout the day.

⦁The blood comes bright red and one may refer it as "fresh blood".

⦁There is pain in the anus as if wounded.

3.Nux vomica: for non bleeding or blind

⦁It is one of the best medication for non-bleeding piles with constipation.

⦁There is itching in the anus and ineffectual urge, one has the desire to pass stool but is constipated.

⦁There is extreme pain while passing stool.

⦁It is indicated when one can not pass the stool in one go and passes small quantity of stool at each attempt.

⦁There is constant uneasiness in rectum, feeling as is some stool still remained inside.

⦁It also works very well in cases of piles where diarrhea and constipation alternates or where there has been an overuse of laxatives.

4. Ratanhia: For external piles:

⦁It is a great remedy for external piles or piles that protrude after the stool.

⦁There is a lot of straining while passing stool, so much that the piles comes out and one has to push them back in.

⦁Severe burning in the anus as if it was on fire, is a key indicative feature of Ratanhia.

⦁There is intense pain in the anus before and even hours after passing the stool. Sensation of broken glass in the anus or a sharp knife cutting the anus.

⦁Pain and burning temporarily relieved by cold water.

⦁There is itching in the anus.

⦁Ratanhia is also the top medication for fissures.

5.Aloe Socotrina: For external piles:

⦁It is indicated when piles protrudes like grapes and are very sore and painful to touch.

⦁There is bleeding while passing stool and pain in the rectum after passing stool.

⦁There is sense of insecurity in rectums, he/she feels as if the stool would also pass with the gas. Or when he/she only passes gas when going to pass stool.

⦁There is burning in the anus and rectum.

⦁Constipation with feeling of heavy pressure in the lower abdomen.

⦁It is also indicated when a lot of mucous passes with the stool. The stool is watery or jelly-like.

⦁It suits very well to those who get gastric troubles or diarrhea after beer.

Allergic Rhinitis or Sneezing and Homeopathy

 Allergic rhinitis also called Hay fever or pollen allergy refers to an allergic reaction that occurs in response to the allergens present in the environment.

These allergens are otherwise the normal substances present in the environment but due to one's increased sensitivity or allergy towards them their immune system starts showing signs and symptoms when exposed to their specific allergen.

The common allergens are pollen, dust, mites, molds, animal dander, cockroaches etc.

Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis.

1. Sneezing: It is one of the common symptoms and is present in almost all cases of allergic rhinitis. There are episodes of sneezing, one can sneeze even 5-10 times or even more in one go.

2.Runny Nose

3.Watery Eyes

4. Itching in eyes and or in nose

5.Nasal blockage

6.Sore throat

7.Itching in the palate

8. Puffiness under eyes

9. Post nasal drip

10. Dark circle or bluish rings under the eyes (Allergic shiners)


Best homeopathic medications for Allergic rhinitis:

1. Arsenic Album:

⦁ It is one of the top medication for Allergic rhinitis or hay fever and covers almost all of its symptoms.

⦁ It is indicated when there is frequent sneezing that is worse outdoors.

⦁ It is a great remedy for watery eyes with burning in the eyes and increased sensitivity to light. Conjunctivitis.

⦁ There is thin watery discharge from nose and it feels blocked up.

⦁ Puffy eyes.

⦁ It suits well to those who catch cold easily and have sensitivity in open air.

2. Natrum Mur:

⦁ It is one of the great remedy never fails to treat a coryza that starts with sneezing and later the other symptoms follow.

⦁ The nose is runny in the initial days and later it gets blocked causing difficulty in breathing.

⦁ There is dryness and itching in the nose

⦁ It is indicated for burning in the eyes with swollen eyelids. One sees zig-zag or fiery sparks in front of the eyes.

⦁ Eyes appear wet with tears.

⦁ The lips and the corner of the mouth is dry and cracked.

⦁ Great remedy for loss of smell and taste.

⦁ There is throbbing and severe headache as if thousand hammers were hitting the head.

3. Sabadilla:

⦁ It is one of the top homeopathic medication for sneezing.

⦁ There is spasmodic sneezing, frequent episodes of sneezing with frequent coryza (flu like symptoms).

⦁ It is great remedy when someone has over sensitivity to odors or perfumes and that would trigger the sneezing or allergy symptoms. 

⦁ Watery eyes and runny nose with redness in the eyes.

⦁ There is sensation of lump in the throat and he/she must swallow the mucous, Post nasal drip.

⦁ There is severe pain in the forehead along with the coryza.

4. Allium Cepa:

⦁ It is great remedy for hay fever with there is profuse watery eyes. The eyes are red, filled with water and sensitive to light.

⦁ There is great burning or irritation in the eyes.

⦁ Sneezing especially on entering a warm room.

⦁ It is indicated when there is coryza with headache, cough, and hoarseness of voice.

⦁ It is good remedy when there are nasal polyps due to chronic sneezing.

⦁ There are catarrhal headaches (headaches from congestion of phlegm or mucous), worse in warm room.

⦁ The complaints are worse after in damp cold weather.

5.Sanguinarinum Nitricum:

⦁ Sang nit is one of the great remedy for nasal complaints.

⦁ The nose feels obstructed and there is thick watery discharge from nose.

⦁ It is indicated for post-nasal drip that is thick and it feels as if it has stuck to the throat. One has to constantly clear the throat with force.

⦁ There are crusts formed inside the nose which bleeds when removed.

⦁ There is frequent sneezing with feeling of pressure at the root of the nose.

⦁ It is one of the top remedy for turbinate hypertrophy, nasal polyps and pharyngitis.

Trigeminal Neuralgia and homeopathy


Trigeminal Neuralgia is a chronic facial pain that occurs due to the irritation or compression of the Trigeminal Nerve.

Trigeminal Nerve: Is our 5th Cranial Nerve and it has three branches

Ophthalmic Branch (V1): Supplies to the eye : Sensory nerve

Maxillary Branch (V2): Supplies to the Maxilla or upper Jaw: Sensory Nerve

Mandibular Branch (V3): Supplies to the Mandible or Lower jaw: Both motor and sensory.

Depending on the branch involved your symptoms would

Risk factors for Trigeminal Neuralgia:

1. Ageing : It is more common in people after the age of 50 Years

2. Dental work or tooth extraction (Most common cause)

3.Trauma or injury

4. Gender: Women are more commonly affected with it.

5. Family history of Neuralgia

6.Certain diseases like: Hypertension, stroke, Multiple sclerosis etc.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia:

1: Facial Pain:

2. Numbness or tingling sensation in the face

3. Tear from eye

4. Burning, crawling or needle pricking sensation on face

5. Headaches

6.Sometimes the pain extends to the Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ)  or ears.

7. Stiffness of the jaw

Best homeopathic medications for Trigeminal Neuralgia:

1. Verbascum

2. Hekla Lava:



5. Colocynthis:

Nasal Polyps and homeopathy


1.Teucrium Marum Verum:

⦁It is one of the top homeopathic medication for Nasal polyps

⦁Nasal Polyps associated with chronic sneezing or chronic catarrhal condition of nose.

⦁It is indicated when one has taken used many medications and nasal sprays without any relief.

⦁There is blockage of nose with a crawling sensation in the nostril.

⦁It is indicated for watery eyes and sneezing episodes.

⦁It works very well in children with nasal polyps and congestion.

It is very effective remedy for loss of smell.

Nasal polyps with foul breath.

2. Lemna Minor:

⦁It is very effective remedy for nasal polyps when there is thick mucus discharge and crust formation around the nose.

⦁Chronic nasal obstruction, the nose always feel blocked resulting in loss of smell.

⦁It works very well in cases when there is history of Rhinitis, pollen allergy or asthma.

⦁It is one of great remedies for post-nasal drip.

⦁There is pain or heaviness in the nose which extends to the ears.

⦁The turbinates are swollen and there is dryness of the nose and throat.

⦁There is bad taste in the mouth on waking up in the morning.

⦁It is indicated when the complaints are worse in rainy or damp  weather.

3. Sanguinarium Nitricum:

⦁It is indicated for nasal polyps with profuse, watery mucus discharge from the nose.

⦁The nose feels obstructed and there are frequent nose bleeds or epistaxis.

⦁There is very thick post-nasal drip, sensation as if the mucous has stuck to the throat and it is very difficult to clear the throat.

⦁There is pressure at the root of nose with burning pain in the nose and throat.

⦁Sneezing with rawness and soreness of the nostrils.

⦁Very effective remedy for Pharyngitis.

4. Formica Rufa:

⦁It has a marked action in treating the cases of nasal polyps and also prevents the recurrence of polyps.

⦁There is coryza with nasal blockage. Nose feels stopped-up.

⦁There is pain in the head with dizziness or vertigo and cracking in the left ear.

⦁It works great when there are ear and throat complaints associated with nasal polyps.

⦁There is ringing and buzzing in the ear with feeling of fullness in ears.

⦁There is hoarseness of voice and cough which is worse towards the evening.  

Sinus problem and its best homeopathic remedies


Sinus refers to a cavity or empty space and the sinuses present in our skull around the nose are known as paranasal sinus. These sinuses are surrounded by a layer of mucous membrane. Any infection in the sinus leads to sinusitis.

Function of Sinus:

1. To make the skull lighter

2. To add resonance in voice

3. To lubricate the nasal passage

4. To filter the air we inhale

Types of Paranasal Sinuses:

1.Frontal Sinus

2.Ethmoidal Sinus

3.Sphenoidal Sinus

4. Maxillary Sinus

Symptoms of Sinusitis or Sinus infection:

There can be acute , chronic or recurrent sinusitis. Long standing nasal allergies are one of the most common causes of sinusitis.

1.Nasal Blockage

2.Post Nasal Discharge

3. Sinus headache

4. Swelling in face or under eyes

5. Pressure feeling in the nose

6. Bad breath

7. Discharge of thick greenish mucus

Best homeopathic medications for sinusitis:

1.Kali Bichrom

⦁ It is one the top homeopathic medication for sinus problem especially frontal sinusitis.

⦁ It is indicated when there is feeling of pressure or fullness at the root of nose with pain in the nose.

⦁ It is one the best medications for post-nasal drip.

⦁ There are thick-yellowish green discharges from the nose and one has to blow very hard to clear the nose or throat.

⦁ Kali Bi very effectively treats sinus headaches; there is pain above the eyebrows. Frontal headaches.

⦁ Loss of smell and nasal blockage with frequent sneezing episodes.

⦁ Nose feels blocked with watery discharge from the nose.

⦁ It is also very great remedy for nasal polyps associated with sinusitis.


⦁ It is another top remedy for post nasal drip, there is thick yellowish secretion sticking to the throat.

⦁ It suits very well to those where every cold or flu brings on a sinus episode.

⦁ It is very good remedy for sinus headaches.

⦁ There is a constant desire to blow the nose.

⦁ There is watery discharge from nose all the time.

⦁ Sinusitis with Atrophic rhinitis where the nasal bone or septum wastes away resulting in crust formation in nose and bad smell from nose.


⦁ It is indicated when nasal obstruction is marked in Sinusitis.

⦁ There are sneezing episodes in the morning.

⦁ The nose feels obstructed and there is loss of smell.

⦁ Itching in the nose.

⦁ It helps treating headaches that starts from the back of the head and settles over the eye.

⦁ Swelling in the glabella region.

⦁ There is stinging pain on swallowing.

⦁ It suits very well to those who feel cold very easily, their hands and feet are always cold. Extremely chilly, they would be the first one to take out sweaters in winters.

4. Hepar Sulph:

⦁ A great homeopathy remedy for infected sinus with pus formation.

⦁ Sneezing when he or she goes out in wind with runny nose.

⦁ The discharges from nose are initially runny and then they turn thick and offensive.

⦁ There is pain in the root of nose and temple area of head especially in the morning. Headache on shaking the head or while riding.

⦁ It very well suits to those who are very sensitive to every change of weather, it will make their symptoms worse.

Frozen shoulder and its top homeopathic remedies

Frozen shoulder also known as Adhesive capsulitis is an inflammatory condition of the shoulder joint capsule (it is a connective tissue that completely surrounds the shoulder joint). This condition usually lasts from 4-6 months however in many cases it becomes chronic and it can take 2-3 years to recover from Frozen Shoulder.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder:

It is common in people above the age of 40 years, and some of the causes include:

1. Diabetes Mellitus: It is very commonly seen in individuals with DM.

2. Shoulder Injury

3.Thyroid Disorder


5. After any Surgery

6. Cardiac Diseases or stroke

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder:

In most cases one of the shoulders is affected however one can have both the shoulder joints involved.

1.Pain: It is usually present in the early months of frozen shoulder and is worse on moving the joint.  The shoulder might become tender as well meaning it hurts on touch or putting pressure on the joint.

2. Stiffness

3. Reduced Joint Mobility:  For example there is difficulty in raising the arm, combing hair, dressing up etc.

Best homeopathic medications for Frozen shoulder:

1. Chelidonium

⦁ It is one of the top medication for frozen shoulder.

⦁ It is indicated when there  is constant pain in the shoulder joint. The pain is worse even on touching the joint.

⦁ The neck feels stiff and there is pain in the arms and tips of fingers.

⦁ The muscles feels hard and rigid.

⦁ There is pain in under lower and inner angle of scapula.

2. Rhus tox

⦁ It has a marked action on healing the inflammation fibrous and connective tissue.

⦁ It is indicated when there is pain in the shoulder joint which is worse with least motion or movement.

⦁ It is very effective remedy for post-operative (after surgery) frozen shoulder.

⦁ There is pain in between in the shoulders.

⦁ There is marked stiffness and one can not move his/her arm.

⦁ The shoulder joint feels sore, swollen and hot.

⦁ There is pain in the neck along with the shoulder.

⦁ It very well treats numbness and formication feeling in the arm.

3.Sanguinaria Can:

⦁ It is very effective remedy for frozen shoulder especially of right side.

⦁ Pain and stiffness in the shoulder and nape of neck.

⦁ Burning pains is very indicative of this remedy. Burning pain in the shoulder, burning in soles and palms.

⦁ It suits very well to those who easily develop redness on cheeks and hot flushed face. 

ANXIETY And its top Homeopathic remedies


1.Aconite Napellus: Anxiety with Fear

⦁It is one of the top remedies for Anxiety. Anxiety with great fear. 

⦁It is indicated when one is very anxious about his/her health, even the mildest of illness can trigger the anxieties.

⦁There is marked restlessness both physical and mental. He/she keeps tossing with anxiety. 

⦁Fear is one the marked feature of this remedy. There is fear about the future, going into crowds or even crossing the street. 

⦁There is great weakness and sinking sensation. 

⦁Lot of anxiety about his/her death, feels he won't be able to survive the illness. 

2. Arsenic Album: Anxiety with Over thinking

⦁This remedy never fails to help a patient with anxiety. It can be used in higher power as well. 

⦁Marked irritability, overthinking and hopelessness. 

⦁Anxiety with great fatigue and exhaustion is they key indicating feature of this remedy.

⦁Lack of energy, slight work will make him/her tired. 

⦁There is restlessness and the complaints are usually worse at night.

⦁There is great fear of being alone.

⦁It suits very well in cases of anemia, alcoholism or tobacco intake.

⦁There is usually a loss of weight due to impaired nutrition. 

3. Argentum Nitricum: Anxiety with Anticipation

⦁Anxiety about anything and everything. Anxiety with great apprehension, that something bad will happen.

⦁Anxiety with marked nervousness. Nervous about going out, meeting people or having a conversation.

⦁Hurried and impulsive.

⦁There is great sadness with memory weakness. 

⦁Time passes too slowly. 

⦁It effectively treats headaches caused by emotional stress. 

⦁There is increased desire for sweet.

4. Natrum Mur: Anxiety with marked sadness

⦁This remedy helps in cases of anxiety which start after some grief, anger or mental trauma for example: after losing a loved one, break, up etc.

⦁Anxiety with depression. Over sensitive and will get into an argument over small issues. 

⦁It suits well to those individuals who have been under stress for prolong period of time but now their body is unable to bear more.

⦁There is great weakness and tiredness. Total lack of energy.

⦁It acts wonderfully in cases where the chronic mental stress starts some physical disease. 

⦁He or she wants to be alone and wants to cry. 

5.Kali phos: Anxiety with Depression

 Top homeopathic remedies for  Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS)


1. Pulsatilla: For delayed periods

⦁ It is one of the best remedy for irregular and delayed periods and PCOS.

⦁ It is indicated when the periods are too late or scanty or with thick dark flow.

⦁ There are a lot of mood swings, there is great irritability, increased sensitivity and lot crying and sadness.

⦁ It also works very well for inter menstrual bleeding, where one bleeds in between her periods.

⦁ The periods are very painful and have associated nausea and vomiting.

⦁ Back pain with periods.

⦁ There is feeling of tiredness and fatigue all through the day.

⦁ There is white discharge from the vagina, sometimes it is thick yellowish and greenish.

2. Sepia: For prolong or inter-menstrual bleeding

⦁ This remedy treats all kind of menstrual irregularities. Menses are too late or too early, the flow is too less or too profuse.

⦁ There is a bearing down sensation in the pelvic area.

⦁ It is indicated when there are a lot of emotional symptoms with pcos. It wonderfully treats depression with pcos.

⦁ There is increased sensitivity of the vagina resulting in painful intercourse.

⦁ Pain in the vagina which goes up to the umbilical area.

⦁ It is one of the top remedy for facial pigmentation and loss of sexual desire in females.

⦁ Sepia treats one of the most marked indifference, she feels emotionally detached with loss of interest in most of the activities she used to like.

4. Hepar Sulph: For acne

⦁ It is indicated for large, painful and pustular acne on the cheeks and forehead.

⦁ Acne are tender and bleed easily.

⦁ It is one of the top remedy for acne scars.

⦁ Acne in young girls with sensitive and oily skin.

⦁ It helps treat acne or pimples that come in small cluster. One would notice tiny little bumps all together.

⦁ Suits very well to girls who are sensitive and have weak immune system. Even the change of weather would trigger their complaints.

5. Calc Carb: For Over-weight

⦁ In PCOS  it is very difficult to lose the hormonal weight naturally, even on normal healthy diet. This remedy can really help in boosting the metabolism and losing the extra weight.

⦁ It treats irregular periods and facial air in obese people.

⦁ It suits very well to fair, fat, flabby girls who tend to sweat easily and have increases sexual desire.

⦁ Menses are too early, to profuse or lasting too long and there is vertigo associated with menses.

⦁ The breast are painful and swollen before periods.

⦁ Leucorrhea with itching and or  burning in vagina after menstruation. 

High uric acid and Gout and its Top homeopathic remedies

Hyperuricemia or high uric occurs when there is too much uric acid in the blood. 

Gout: is one of the most common inflammatory arthritis. It occurs when uric acid crystals (also called Monosodium urate monohydrate crystals) deposit in and around the synovial joints

Uric acid is formed as a result of breakdown of 'Purines' in our digestive system. 

There are two types of Purines:

 Exogenous purine: That is absorbed by the diet.

Endogenous purine: That is produced by our body. 

The amount of uric acid in blood depends upon the balance between absorption by dietary source and elimination by kidney and gut. When the level of uric acid remains high for a longer time, it has a tendency of depositing in the joints known as GOUT. 

Causes of High uric acid:

There could be two reasons for too much uric acid:

1. Under excretion: when kidneys are not effectively eliminating uric acid from your body. 

2: Overproduction: when there is overproduction of uric acid in your body. 

In about 90% of the cases it occurs due to inability of kidneys to eliminate uric acid.

 Risk factors include:

1.Taking a purine rich diet

2. Too much alcohol consumption

3.Certain drugs like Loop diuretics, low dose aspirin etc.

4. Kidney disease 

5.High lead levels in blood.

6.Intake of high fructose rich diet.

7.Certain diseases like psoriasis can result in overproduction of uric acid. 

8.Genetic or Hereditary tendency

9.Metabolic Syndrome

Symptoms of High uric acid:

1. Pain:  In small joints like fingertips, toes, wrist and elbow

2. Swelling in joints

3. Tenderness of joint (pain in touch)

4.In acute gout episode:


1. Colchicum: 

2. Ledum Palustre

3.Benzoic Acid:

4.Urtica Urens: